Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Higgins IdAS and XDI

The more I look at the Higgins IdAS the more I recognize that it is the part of the puzzle in the Higgins world that maps fairly closely to what I call the XDI Engine. They both present abstract data interfaces that are meant to be put in front of legacy persistence. I have been telling Paul for a while that I think that IdAS is going to need indexing capability to be really useful. I realized, not long ago, that we need to replace the ooTao specific ‘plugin’ engine with an IdAS implementation. I am seeing more and more that once xdi takes into account the Higgins IdAS use cases and Higgins IdAS consumes the xdi use cases as sub sets of the complete ‘dataweb’ use cases that an xdi engine and an IdAS implementation are going to end up being pretty much identical. I watch the Higgins-dev list and learn and hope to contribute where I can.

In that light I am going to start putting more Higgins musings on this blog as well as xdi stuff.

Here is a thought provoked by a current discussion on the Higgins list:

The way that we are dealing with systemic and semantic mapping in xdi is by introducing an xri abstraction into the mix... attribute types are xris, generally in the '+' namespace, known as the 'dictionary space', like +email, or Unlike the '=' and '@' namespaces the '+' namespace is not a rooted space, but I'll get back to that.

So in xdi land, any attribute name is resolvable in dictionary space to a dictionary entry, a dictionary entry may include a bunch of different stuff, including:

  • synonyms (both semantic (street and rue) and systemic(phone_number and phoneNumber))
  • schematic constraints (+address = must link to 1 or 2 streets, 1 city, 1 state and 1 zip... I KNOW that +address is a bad example because it's not a global construct)
  • validations (validation lists, real expressions (masks), executable validation scripts (different implementations in different languages))
  • UI implementations (for building rich UIs for arbitrary attribute types; +eye.color may provide a color picker that limits color choices to natural human color range as dcom, .class, xul, etc...)

So, in xdi land, as we build indexes of the various contexts (one of the primary 'qualities' of xdi is indexing the contexts it knows about so that you don't have to go trolling 200 contexts to find the attribute that you need about a given subject); rather than indexing the attribute type '+email' we index the canonicallized i-number that the i-name resolves to.. +!3215.2154.1254.


xri://=andy/+email, 'andy's email address', points to a specific attribute in a specific context but what we persist in the index is xri://=andy/+!3215.2154.1254

Now when anyone wants to do a get against the index they can search for xri://=andy/+email or xri://=andy/+e_mail or xri://=andy/+Email or xri://=andy/+doar.hashmali (transliteration from Hebrew) and get back the desired record because the type is always resolved back to the i-number. On set operations the xdi engine checks the validations and schema constraints of the type before parsing the operation back into the 'context provider' to persist the new data.

I said that the '+' space is not rooted, so how does it resolve? Well, just like with English, you can look up a word in whatever dictionary you want, you might prefer Webster’s, personally I like the Oxford Standard. This quality lends itself to supporting a seamless continuum of global, community and personal dictionaries so you can be as precise or as vague with any given term as you like. A person can specify the intended dictionary for a given type: @ootao*(+email) would be ootao’s definition of +email and IS resolvable in the global @ namespace.

The early dictionary implementations that we are working with use a folksonomy approach to building the communal knowledge… anyone can edit the dictionary. So if your system uses a field name for an attribute that hasn’t been mapped yet, you just add it to the dictionary. Once one person has added the ldap schema and one person has added the vcard schema the world now knows that +cn, is the same as +fn and they are both instances of +!3211.5485.3656, which is also +full_name,, etc…

I’m not saying we have all of the problems solved. Off the top of my head I don’t know how we would express the transformation between givenName, sn and cn… But I could propose a few suggestions if anyone was interested.

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